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  • Crochet Squares Quilt - Crochet - 1% - zzz

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh, What To Write About...

...No. Seriously. What should I write about? I honestly have no idea, haha. O.o


I recently watched Hook. Yeah. That's right. Hook. One hilarious movie...seriously. Bahahahaha...Anyway.

Not much to write about, sooooo...

Yay for foreign languages!!! Haha. (:

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

My apologies. I've just been so immersed in books and music...

But I suppose you might want to hear about my knitting. I haven't really been doing much, for the same reasons I haven't been blogging. I'm about halfway done with my baby blanket. I hope it'll be put to good use...I'm sure it will.

 Also. Today is a birthday of a friend of mine. Happy birthday Chirstianne!!!! Enjoy your christian metal music, haha. :D

*sigh*. I don't know what to write about. D: I'm boring and don't have lots of interesting pictures and projects going on, haha. Ohh well...Some day. (:

But today...I'm sad. :( There's amazing concerts with amazing bands nearby and I can't go. It stinks. But I'll see 'em some day. Until then, I'll just listen to those amazing people for awhile in honor of their concerts. (:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Music, Pictures And Knitting Oh My. O:

Hey! (:

I was at my Grandparent's house yesterday, and I was bored, so I took some pictures. :D Except, I took 'em with my phone, so I can't upload 'em...Except this one:

Hehe...I have a flower in my hair. xD

But yeah. I started another pouch using the same yarn I used for the Rainbow Brick Road Scarf. It's nice...(:

I also finally started working on that baby blanket again. :D It's progressing...slowly...But it's getting there. (: I think I'm gonna try to put a crochet edging on it if I can...We'll see how that goes. :p

I also finally put more music on my Zen (MP3 Player). Good stuff right there. :D

It's been a long week...I'm not sure why though...It's not like I've been doing a lot of stuff...Well, I read like three novels since my last blog post, but...xD I read way too much...If that's even possible. (;

Not much else to tell you...So...Yeah...Bye...


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

More Pictures!! (;

Hey. I guess this post will mostly just be pictures...So...Here ya go:


Spring Break:

Random Pictures:

Um...Yeah. Like 'em? (:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's April Now???...Daaaang.

Yes, I know, this is my second post in April, and I'm just now saying something about it. But, hey, that's me for ya. xD

But anyway. I still remember it being my friend's birthday and going bowling in February. Doesn't seem like too long ago. Crazyness. (:

It's just three months 'till my birthday!!! :D No idea what I'm doing for my birthday party, but, hey, doesn't matter right now anyway, haha. It's gonna be amazingly fun though. Seriously. Haha.

Tomorrow's Easter. That, my friends, is insane. Completely and utterly INSANE. O: I'm actually going to wear a skirt. And that's even more insane. xD

Today was busy. We went shopping, AT WAL*MART, THE DAY BEFORE EASTER, and I picked flowers for my mommy. 'Cause I'm cool. xD

But I have to go. :(

Friday, April 2, 2010

Another Pouch For Selling! (:

Only I made it different this time!
At first I was gonna make it a drawstring pouch like my other one, but I like it better this way. (:
It's also seed stitch, instead of stockinette. I like it. Hehe.

It'll hopefully be up for sale at my Etsy store soon-ish, so be checking there!

Here's some more pics:

Sorry for the bad quality, our camera wasn't cooperating, haha. :p

Anyway. These pouches have unfortunately distracted me from my scarf, so I'll be working on that more now. I'll probably try to sell it once it's done. (:
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